Friday, October 26, 2007

My New Helmet

Tonight Husband and Little Boy and I are going to A Gruesome and Ghastly Soiree for Freaks, Geeks and Monsters!

We were told that there were whispers of spookiness & tidings from the supernatural at our friends' house. If we dare to witness the haunting or tremble at potential alien abductions we must go. We also are to bring an offering to appease the dead - a tasty rotten treat or vile potion. Also we are required to have a disguise against the ghouls or at least a fashionable alien repulsion device!

If we did not RSVP we would have been doomed to dwell the fiery pits of hell without cable!

The event is sponsored by the Putrid Piccolos & Fiendish Friends League from Heck.

Now, doesn't that sound like fun!? How could we turn down an invitation like that?

Here's my fashionable Alien Repulsion Device:

It's my personal ionic field deflector helmet*, and I know it's going to protect me! Or at least get me into the party. Little Boy is going as Elmo and Husband is going as Afro Geek with Rectangular Ugly Glasses.
*also known as a colander covered in aluminum foil


annie said...

Oh, have fun! I hope things are not too scary for the little fella!

spookyrach said...

Dang! Wish I was going!!! That is a very practical looking alien repulsion device. I bet it works great.

And why does google reader refuse to notify me when you have new posts? What's up with that?