You should know I never diet. I refuse. I also do not own a scales. (any scales?) My jeans tell me when I need to get it under control, I don't need that fascist number called WEIGHT going up and down to make or ruin my days.
I did once read Gwen Shamblin's Weigh Down book. There was a lot of common sense information in there that I grooved on and still do. There's some stuff in there I don't dig anymore, and additionally I do not in any way wish to allign myself with her particular
One of which is this: Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you're full. Don't eat when you're not hungry. Duh, Right? It's simple, but not easy. However, I think that to be better advice than all the diets in the world combined.
Also, the whole Clean up your plate thing? I now call bullshit on the cleaning up of our plates that our mothers made us do. No more of that. The children may be starving over in wherever but we cannot ship our food over there so we do not need to EAT IT! It's wasted if I eat it anyway, once I'm full. I can waste it by forcing it down my gullet and turning it to fat or I can "waste" it by throwing it away.
And also, Eat your favorite thing first . Instead of saving the best for last, eat the best first. So I've learned to dissect my food. I enjoy it until I feel myself getting full then I start picking out my faves. It looks terrible, but it helps a lot.
I must say I am still working at these things and don't do well all the time but I believe they have kept me mostly off the genetic path most of my family follows. Bless them, bless them, but they are BIG and unhealthy and dying off..... sad to say but true. Like any diet, it all flies out the window without discipline and willpower... or whatever it takes to stick to a set of "rules".... but mostly it's kept me sane and that's important too.
With all that rambling in mind I will tell you a short story. A friend of mine once sat down between a friend of mine and I who were sharing a bowl of popcorn and watching a movie. She picked out all the buttery yummy kernels and then announced "I'm full." Leaving my friend and I to pass the plain boring popcorn that was left back and forth over top of her or else change seats.
I thought two things:
"How rude!"
"How cool - no wonder she's way skinnier than me!"
Oh, yeah. I love this. I refuse to diet, too. I'm trying some of the same things you are - eat when hungry, etc. It is SOOOO HARD!
I grew up in a family where mealtime scheduling was very important and rigid (my brother was diabetic) and it is really hard to break out of that mold.
I would come here to read this just after I made a glutton of myself at the Mexican restaurant on chips and salsa...followed by quesadillas! I keep saying I need to start monitoring myself a little better, but I don't DO it.
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