Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Post

Dang, this was hard! I've been mulling over a name for this blog for a few months now on and off, and nothing came. Today I gave myself a deadline and well, this was what I came up with.

Sincere Fizz....
I'm sincere, and I'm not asking anyone to find a lot of depth here. Unless of course, you want to.

I had another blog and in my own geeky excitement, told too many people about it. Then I couldn't post about so much of my life, it felt restricting. Couldn't post about work, or family or in-laws or friends. I tend to process when I write, and I tend to write in a stream of conscience style. I need the freedom to be able to say anything I want to here.
That's what I intend to do.

So, if you happen to figure out what my old blog was, or who I am, then please don't out me.

Thanks for dropping by....

1 comment:

annie said...

I'm glad you got it worked out. This is interesting...if I happen to figure it out, don't worry, I know how to keep my mouth shut!

I've not told too many people in my real life about my blog (I often wonder what that says about me!). Even when I THINK about telling a few people, I start clamming up. I'm weird that way.