Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Baby Orajel, Buzz Saw Lady and The Oracle All Walked Into a Bar.....

Baby Orajel: No wonder the kid loves it. I have a sore gum in the back of my mouth. I dabbed a little bit of that stuff back there and WOW the pain is gone, faster than you can say BABY ORAJEL ROCKS!

And Buzz Saw Lady called me. Therefore, I cannot call her Buzz Saw Lady anymore. Lo and behold, I stopped going to the fundamentalist bible study and she called to see what happened to me. I told her It just wasn't a good fit. She asked if my kid liked the nursery. I said that he loved it. She said she felt she might have offended me. I told her it wasn't so much that I was personally offended or hurt but that it didn't feel OK for me to have a different opinion. She immediately began telling me how they had atheists and Buddhists and other religions in there before. (I did not meet any of these people. I doubt they still attend.) Anyway, It was very nice of her to call.... I was surprised, honestly. And I felt I should give her credit here, since I told you about that experience.

I talked to The Oracle (what I call my Spiritual Director) about this, and lamented about how I felt I ought to be able to be with Fundamentalists and be OK about it. Since I was one not all that long ago. She said "Well, I still can't." That made me feel much better.

So there's an invitation to myself. I now invite myself to become the kind of person who can someday do that, even if I never choose too.

See, the concept of Invitation is something I learned from a sister who teaches a class I took. She speaks often of invitation. For example instead of saying "I should be cool around any folks no matter what they are like. Because I should be centered or integrated enough that I don't need to be around people like myself in order to feel comfortable." I can INVITE myself to become the kind of person who can be around a diverse group of people and not feel angry or disrupted in any way.

Isn't that so much nicer? To take it even further: What if we had a God (and I think we do) who didn't tell us we SHOULD do this or that, or a Bible that told us we SHOULD do this or that, or a Pastor who did likewise, maybe we can think of God inviting us. The invitations in the Bible are many.... a Pastor or a friend who invites us to become a better human being, now that's more hospitable, isn't it?

Brennan Manning told a story at a conference I attended once that there was a woman he knew who had a plaque in her house that said "I will not SHOULD on myself today." He said it three times, and it took the first two before I realized he was NOT saying she had a plaque in her house that said "I will not SHIT on myself today."

Well, maybe it's the same thing....

1 comment:

annie said...

I've been neglecting blog reading and even now I am in a hurry but I just had to say I love this post. It's so full of random thought-provoking stuff!